Rohe: Heretaunga
Tribal Affiliations: Ngāti Porou
Ko Hikurangi te maunga, Ko Waiapu te awa, Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi, Ko Te Whānau-a-Ruataupare, Te Whānau a Hinerupe, Te Whānau a Takimoana ōku hapū, Ko Chris Bryant-Toi taku ingoa.
My kuia, Te Oraiti Manuel-Mahue a weaver trained by Apirana Ngata, master carver Paki Harrison and contemporary Māori artists like Sandy Adsett continue to influence the kaupapa toi that I engage with for the preservation and future growth of our Māori art movement. Being proudly indigenous and global with the sharing of our art is becoming a big thing, as it is transformative for all.
Chris graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Te Toi Hou, Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland, in 1994 and a Master of Māori Visual Arts at Te Pūtahi a Toi, Massey University, in Palmerston North. Chris is a practising artist, art educator, curator and writer. He is a founding member of Te Taumata Art Gallery in Auckland. He is a member of Te Rōpū Kaiawhina Taonga for the Museum, Theatre, Gallery (MTG) Tai Ahuriri, in Napier. Currently, Chris is Pouako – Rauangi tutoring at Toimairangi, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, in Hastings. Since his appointment in 1993, Chris has continued to serve on Te Ātinga while supporting Toi Māori Aotearoa project initiatives.